How to get approved to top affiliate networks
Getting accepted in an affiliate network can always be a stressful process for new people in the industry.
- Why do I need to pass a written/spoken interview?
- What are they going to ask?
- Do they need references or earning screenshots?
- What if my English is bad?
That and many other questions appear when you hear the word “interview”. After all, affiliates are here to make money from the internet and live the dream, right? No boss, no clients, no business hours. This is the affiliate lifestyle, yet I have to pass an interview to get access to my affiliate offers.
Well, yes. Affiliate networks and traffic networks on some occasions want to know you’re someone they can trust. Also, they want publishers and advertisers that bring business for them, or at least they want to avoid problems or time-consuming publishers/advertisers that won’t run anything.
But worry not, over the 7 years I’ve been buying and selling traffic from networks, I have signed to a plethora of companies and been accepted in most of them either instantly, or within the first days. Many of them don’t even exist anymore, and in some, I did not run any traffic because I realized they didn’t fit my needs, nonetheless, they easily accepted me as I followed the same rules I use every single time.
So far I think I’ve only been rejected from 1 network and I made the wrong decision of signing up using a VPN while I was spying on ads, and then I made it worse by creating a secondary duplicated account, LOL.
Once you build some history and reputation it’s way easier, for sure, but if I was starting again with my current knowledge, these are the main points I’d consider when signing up to a top network (a.k.a. Network which is not beginner-friendly and asks for screenshots/referrals but has some great top offers and payouts) to get the best chances of being accepted.